Esxi how to enable turbo boost
Esxi how to enable turbo boost

The other is simply that managing H/W states from the OS wasn't as effective as people (ourselves included) thought it would be. But now that the state transitions are more common (and much, much faster - Intel plugs away at making them shorter) H/W can do it pretty well heuristically. When the switch was more binary, S/W could (theoretically) manage it better by being load-aware. Two things mitigate this: one, Intel has dramatically improved the granularity of its hardware states, so instead of just a few T- and P-states, now you have many P-states and many C-states. OSPM was allowed because at the time we believed the opposite, that the OS is much more aware of its load and therefore could manage CPU states better. The second factor is from Intel: they begrudgingly allowed OSPM out of necessity, but they believe they can do power management at the hardware level better than the OS can at a software level. This was especially true for HPE (HP at the time) systems because there was a somewhat notorious bad interaction between our OSPM and their firmware-level PM, but that has both been rectified for those older systems and designed around on both VMW and HPE's side since. So there is some legitimate older advice that says to always disable OSPM that does not carry over to 5.5+. Two factors here, first one from VMW: we grossly improved our OSPM for 5.5 (actually mostly one guy did - he's a freaking genius, and responsible for a bunch of other hardware tricks in ESXi) and again for 6.0 (again, same guy)*. If they start talking about T-states, politely nod and back away! You are going to get a lot of cargo cult advice on OSPM that does not apply to ESXi 5.5+ and/or newer Intel processors.

esxi how to enable turbo boost esxi how to enable turbo boost

TLDR: the default setting for 5.5+ is pretty good, better than people think, but if you are running consistently high-load workloads you should turn it to Maximum Performance. Hey, I used to own OSPM for ESXi and before that worked for Intel.

Esxi how to enable turbo boost